Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Response to Madison's Ethics and Medicine Blog

         I am writing this blog in response to Madison’s blog.  In her ethics and medicine blog, Madison wrote about physician-assisted suicide.  Madison stated both sides very well and states her opinion and what she believes in excellently.  She was able to inform me of the situation and the pros and cons so I was able to have a background on what exactly is going on.  I have known about assisted suicide before this.  I learned about physician-assisted suicide in high school when I took a medical related class.  I have also heard it talked about on the news because it is a big issue going on. 
        I agree with how Madison feels about assisted suicide.  It is not right that a physician should be able to end someone’s life and kill the chances of a miracle happening or for them to keep on fighting causing the patient to survive.  The article Madison attached helped me get a feel better for what the pros and cons are.  I also thought the most compelling article was that against euthanasia.  What I think is a solid statement by Madison is when she stated, “Just because a person has decided his life is no longer worth living does not mean his doctor should have the ability to help him end his life.”  I agree with her completely.  It is not right that a doctor should be able to help end someone’s life no matter how much they are suffering. 

Ethics and Medicine: Stem Cell Research

        Stem cell research is a current situation where ethics and medicine conflict.  It is a big controversy issue in the world today.  With the use of stem cells, medicine can take a great leap in advancement, but in order to get the best stem cells, harmless embryos would be killed causing an abortion. By inserting stem cells into an affected area, it causes cells around that area to replicate and grow. I first was informed about this controversy when a freshman in high school.  I had never heard of it until I was in a speech class.  In class, a boy gave an informative speech on stem cell research and stated both sides to the issue.  Both sides are greatly argued and I am against the killing of an embryo, but I am also all for the medical advancement that could happen because of it.  It can fix many problems in humans and save many lives because of it, but it will also cause embryos to be killed and not allow a life to happen. 
        When looking for pros and cons regarding stem cell research, I found a blog posted that stated both sides to the argument.  I liked the blog because the person, who wrote it, wrote it in a way that an average person could understand.  The blog can be found here.  In the blog it gives great arguments.  One side is states the medical advancements, and the other is about how it goes against religion because of abortion.  
        I think the most compelling argument comes from those who think stem cell research is for the better.  We are talking about a huge advancement here that can change millions of lives.  Doctors should be able to do what they need to do in order to help the patient survive and live with the best possible results.