Friday, October 8, 2010

Response to Madison's Blog

I completely agree with what Madison’s opinions in her blog regarding the selling of organs.  Like she says, people should donate their organs because they want to help save someone’s life, not because they will get paid.  When organs start getting priced, many people in need will lose out on the chance to get an organ transplant.  The less needy will be deprived and the wealthy will take over and get what they need before the one’s who really are in the most need.  The less fortunate could have their lives on the line but have no chance of getting an organ transplant without it being donated.  Like Madison says, the door that will open will be the door to a market that would cause a disadvantage to those who are sick but cannot afford to compete against the wealthy for a transplant.  I agree with Madison when she says that if the compensation of receiving money for donated organs comes from the government, then taxes will be raised.  There is no way of getting around a costly procedure.  I also agree with Madison with thinking that it would just open the door to having the medical world struggle.  It will cause a much more difficult procedure and the prices will continue to be raised.  People need to have an act of kindness and donate their organs because they want to help someone out, not because they will get paid.  I strongly feel this way and do not want to see the selling of organs become legal sometime in the future because that would not be right. 

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