Monday, November 1, 2010

Technorati on Healthy Foods

I had a difficult time finding a blog that related to my informative topic of “Sports Nutrition” when searching on so instead, I searched “food, health” and came up with a blog that was similar.  Written by Lan N. Nguyen, the blog post is called, “12 Foods Nutrition Experts Buy for Their Own Kitchens”.  The blog can be found at
The blog was posted on October 11, 2010.  This particular blogger tends to post about healthy foods and tips and advice on what to buy when grocery shopping.  He also has posted blogs about celebrities here and there.  Nguyen tends to post blogs every couple weeks and he has been writing blogs for a very long time. 
In this particular blog post by Nguyen, he linked nutrition experts names that were quoted in the post and other articles that he received information from to post in his blog.  In his blog, he also posts pictures of healthy foods.  He relates them to what he is talking about in his blog, but he does not over do his blog with pictures. 
This blog was close to how I wrote my paper.  It was very informative on what foods were healthy to eat and gave explanations on why.  The only difference was that my informative paper related to athletes on what they should eat to get the highest performance possible.  This blog was very interesting and it was helpful to know what types of food are good for you and why they are good.  Nguyen did quote 12 nutrition experts on what foods they have and eat.  Each person talked about a certain type of food that is good to have in your kitchen.  

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