Monday, November 1, 2010

"How To" Speech Self-Eval

I did my “How To” speech on juggling. Normally, I feel like people think juggling is too difficult to even attempt, so they don’t try it.  The problem is, is that they have never had anyone teach them how to juggle, so, I thought it would be a fun thing to teach the class. 
When looking back and watching myself give my “How To” speech, the first thing I noticed is how many times I used the vocal filler “like”.  I over used it way too much and it got to be distracting.  Another thing I noticed was how I rocked back and forth when giving my introduction.  When giving a speech I feel like the speaker should always have a strong stance to make their speech more effective.  I also think they should add platform movement, but what I was doing was not platform movement. 
Other than those two things, I felt my speech was pretty effective and I was able to properly teach the class how to juggle.  I mean, I had Brittany come and attempt to juggle, which she has never been able to do before, and by the end, she was somewhat able to juggle.  I was pretty excited about that.
I hope my speech interested the class like how I hoped.  Juggling is not something that is very difficult to learn.  You just need to complete the proper steps and be sure to not jump ahead before you are ready.  Also, having patience is the key to being successful.  Practice makes perfect!

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