Sunday, November 21, 2010

Kool Aid Demonstration Eval

                After searching on to find a demonstration speech, I finally found a video that seemed interesting.  This demonstration video was given by a student that goes by the name of Lori.  She presented her speech to her fellow classmates and did a very good job.  Lori demonstrated and taught the class how to make Kool Aid. 
               Lori started off her speech with a very catchy introduction.  She said how she looked long and hard for the perfect recipe and finally found the perfect one.  Lori was very positive and said that hers was the best recipe and began to go through the steps to make the perfect Kool Aid.  She also began to state what ingredients and supplies were needed to create the perfect Kool Aid. 
                When presenting her steps and ingredients, Lori made it very easy to follow along.  Throughout Lori’s speech, she was super upbeat and used very good hand gestures.  She did not use vocal fillers and did not have pauses that were noticeable.  The only thing was that she spoke very fast, although it was not an issue in regards to following along.  She was still very easy to understand. 
                Lori made her speech very interesting.  Because she was so upbeat, you just were waiting to hear and see what she would do next.  During her speech she surprised me and her audience.  I could tell she surprised her audience too because of the comments I heard in the background by her fellow classmates.  She surprised us was when she was explaining one of her steps, which was stirring the Kool Aid after putting the mixture in the water.  The reason she surprised us was because usually when someone says they are going to stir something, it involves some sort of utensil.  Lori did not use a utensil in this case.  Instead, she stuck her hand right into the mix and stirred it around in the container. 
                Lori finished up her speech with her conclusion.  In her conclusion she did a good job summarizing the main points and steps she covered in her speech.  The only thing with her conclusion was that she could say it with more force rather than raising her voice at the end.
Overall her speech was very good.  The next time she performs a speech I think she could do the same things as this one such as good use of gestures and no vocal fillers.  But, she could slow down and let her statements sink into the audience’s minds a bit before continuing on.  Lori’s speech was very entertaining so I suggest watching it to learn from her. 

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