Monday, November 22, 2010

Response to Laurel Miller's Demonstration Eval

I am responding to Laurel Miller’s blog in regards to the demonstration evaluation she did on a girl teaching her class how to make puppy chow.  I agree with basically everything Laurel says in regards to how the student presents her speech.  She catches the audience’s attention right away with a good introduction by saying how she needed a healthy and delicious snack that can get her through studying and she found exactly that; Puppy chow.  

The student then goes into the steps and procedures of making puppy chow.  She has lots of energy when delivering her entire speech and was very organized.  I was impressed that she was able to say exactly how much to use of each ingredient and the costs without any notes.  This showed that she had practiced before hand and was well prepared.  The only thing was that when she was delivering the steps she spoke very fast.  It was hard to keep up and she did stutter a few times.  This showed that she was nervous although she had great energy.  Another thing that showed she was nervous was that she did not look up at the class and make eye contact with them very much.  But, she did use a lot of gestures which was very good. 

Next, the student gave her conclusion after giving the body of her speech.  Her conclusion was very short and could have summarized her speech more.  It definitely was not as good as her introduction.

So, in the end, Laurel did a great job evaluating the speaker and I agree with her on the comments she made.  I also agree that this speaker needs to look at the class more and that this speech was presented and organized well.  

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